Biel-Benken (BL), Mühlegasse 7 / 9
- Location and concept: the two blocks of apartments are located in the Mühlegasse, a peaceful and quiet street at the heart of the village, just opposite to the famous Restaurant Heyer. This privileged location is well served by public transport, shopping facilities and schools. The south side facade has big balconies, large window fronts and garden access.
- Apartments: 3.5 Rooms; 4.5 Rooms and maisonette Attics.
- Construction standard: top quality construction. No lift. (Rental Apartments)
- Speciality: these two buildings are constructed in the centre of the village Biel Benken, and because it is in a protected zone for the preservation of the cityscape, it had to be specifically designed and built in typical country style.
- Responsibilities:
- Project planning: Arch-Ing Consulting AG
- Development: Arch-Ing Consulting AG
- Renting : Rhenus Alpina AG

Muehlegeasse 7-9 aussen

Muehlegeasse 7-9 aussen

Muehlegeasse 7-9 aussen

Muehlegeasse 7-9 aussen






Haus B Erdgeschoss

Haus B Obergeschoss

Haus C Erdgeschoss

Haus C Obergeschoss

Haus C Dachgeschoss

Haus D Erdgeschoss

Haus D Obergeschoss

Haus D Dachgeschoss

Haus E Erdgeschoss

Haus E Obergeschoss

Haus F Erdgeschoss

Haus F Obergeschoss

Haus F Dachgeschoss